Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Luminaria {Ventana #6}

Our last night in Mexico we had a Luminaria. 
During the Luminaria we went out around the camp with a candle to reflect and think. I think best with a pen in my hand, so I wrote that night. I want to share it you.

Its cold and Im confused.
God, sometimes my life doesn't make much sense.
I want certain things so badly, Im scared of others so deeply.
I have a passion and a fear so strong it hurts me.
I want you and I want what you want for me.
I just don't know how my passions and my fears play into that.
I have a love for the broken, for kids, for writing and for supporting.
Im afraid of instability, of never having a family and of missing your plan.
I find comfort in my fear because I know that you are stable.
I find comfort in my fears because I know that your plans never fail.
Im trusting you with my life.
And as much as I would like it, I don't need to know what the future holds.
It is far greater to know you God. 
You are beautiful, wonderful, perfect, majestic and glorious.
I will trust you.
You are my God and I am your adorer.
You are my savior and I am your prodigal.
You are my father and I am your daughter.
I trust you. Please guide me.

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